
Rougemont School,
Malpas Rd,
NP20 6QB
Safeguarding is the preventative measures we take to keep our members safe. Archery clubs and organisations should be safe and welcoming places for all. We are committed to keeping everyone who engages with our sport safe from harm and we proactively address this commitment with our policies, procedures and safe recruitment.
Please see below our Safeguarding and Information Procedure, as well as other relevant documents.
If you have any queries or concerns, we welcome and encourage you to raise this with our Safeguarding Officer Leigh Hale.
You can contact Leigh via phone 07858 121000
or email lh.leehale@gmail.com
For independent support, Archery GB offers contact and support via their webpage.
You can also contact directly via the below:
01952 602792
01952 602793
Safeguarding Concerns
If you are worried about a young person or adult at risk or receive information which you believe puts them at risk, it is vital you report your concerns. Doing nothing is not an option.
Even if an incident occurs outside of the club environment it must still be reported if the adult and/or young person concerned is involved in archery. This is in accordance with standard practice in sport.
Discrimination Concerns
Discrimination has no place on or off the archery range. we as a club are committed to taking all allegations of discrimination very seriously and will ensure that anyone can report it in the knowledge that we will act appropriately in line with our values and codes of conduct.
If you are worried about anyone, receive information which you believe puts somebody at risk, or if you have witnessed or experienced discrimination of any kind, it is vital you report your concerns.